Eesti Riigi sümbolid - Estonian National Symbols
Eesti lipp - Estonian flag
Sinine väljendab helget tulevikku ja tähistab põhjamaist taevast.
Must meenutab rahva minevikku ja tähistab mullapinda.
Valge märgib rahva püüdlusi vaimuvalguse poole ning tähistab talvist valget lund ja suviseid valgeid öid. (
Valge meeutab ka puhtust ja lootust paremale tulevikule.
Sini-must-valge trikoloor võttis eelmisel sajandil kasutusele esimene eesti üliõpilasorganisatsioon EÜS (Eesti Üliõpilaste Selts) ja õnnistati 4. juunil 1884 Otepääl. (Loe lipulugu siit.)
The colours of the flag reflect Estonian nature: blue-sky, black-soil and white-purity, hope and of course, white nights. The original flag, which went into hiding during the Second World War, is now 127 years old. Fewer than 10% of the world's flags can claim that distinction!
Eesti vapid - Estonian coats of arms
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Suur riigivapp Greater coat of arms |
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Väike riigivapp Lesser coat of arms |
Eesti Riigihümn on „Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm“
„Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm“ kirjutati 1869. aastal esimesel üldlaulupeol ettekandmiseks.
Sõnad: Johann Voldemar Jannsen
Muusika: Friedrich Pacius
Eesti rahvuslind on suituspääsuke.
The national animal of Estonia is the barn swallow.
The national animal of Estonia is the barn swallow.
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Bird of the Year 2011 Aasta lind 2011 |
Kuna suitsupääsuke viivib suviti Eestis, õeldakse, et ta toob päevasoojust. Nii on pääsukesed rahvaga koos ammust ajast elanud ja nii kestab edasi.
2011 is an important year for the national symbol, the barn swallow or suitsupääsuke. Although it migrates to Africa, Australia and the Sahara, when the swallow returns to Estonia (and other northen countries) it makes its nest among barns, hence the name.
This year the Estonian Ornithological Society has the Barn Swallow as bird as the bird of the year.Why?
“ To help draw attention to one certain bird species, to study its habits more widely and to provide information to a larger audience.” rahvuslill on rukkilill.
The national flower of Estonia is the cornflower.
Eesti lipu õige värv on sinine nagu rukilill, mis on kasvanud Eestis nii kaua kui inimesed seal on elanud - umbes 10,000 aastat!
"The campaign to choose a national flower was organized by The Estonian Wildlife Protection Society in 1967-68. The ornamental blue cornflower was the favourite.
The cornflower has grown on Estonian soil for more than 10,000 years, from the time when the first humans came to Northern Europe. The plant grows commonly in rye fields, creating a strong connection in the minds of Estonians between the flower and their daily bread."
During the Soviet era, the blue black and white flag was forbidden, so the blue of this flower carried on the national spirit. Read the Eesti Institute site for other amazing Estonian facts!
Põhilised Eesti andmed - Estonian Facts
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