Hiigla suur linnumuna kivisamba otsas ei ole tavaline. Miks ta seal on? Kas on tegemist Kalevipojaga?
Eestimaal leidub palju huvitavaid kujusid, nii muinasajast kui ka muinasloost. Samamoodi on Eesti ajalugu põnev, keeruline ja erinev teistest Euroopa riikidest, kuigi ta on paljude riikidega seotud. Igal nädal paneme pilte, jutte ja mõtisklusi, tule kaasa minevikku!
Why would anyone place a huge granite egg on a monument? Was it Kalevipoeg? Estonia is full of peculiar statues and sculptures; likewise its history is intriguing, complicated and very different from the rest of Europe. And yet not completely - many states and cultures have left their mark over the centuries. Come along for the journey through time! Every week we include stories and quizes along with the battles.
Olulised ajaloo etapid – Significant timelines:
Esimene etapp
1200 Saksa ristirüütlid Eestis (Teutonic Order)
1210 Ümera jõe lahing (Battle of Ümera, in Latvia)
1217 Madisepäeva lahing (Battle of St. Matthew's Day, near Viljandi)
1343 Jüriöö ülestõus (St. Geroge's Day Uprising, April 23)
1535 Esimene raamt eesti keeles (First book published in Estonian)
1575 Esimene aabits (First Estonian primer)
Järgnevad etapid
1600 Rootsi aeg (Swedish Rule)
1700 Vene tsaari võim (Csarist Rule)
1918 Eesti iseseisvus (Estonian Indepedence)
1944 Nõukogude Vene okuptsioon (Soviet Occupation)
1991 Taasiseseisvus (Re-Independence)
Ja linnumuna? See on kaarnakivi (raven’s stone). Eesti rahvalugu seletab, et kaarnakivi võim annab inimesele kõik, mida ta tahab – kui inimene selle leiab ja oskab targalt soove kasutada. Kaaren on vanast ajast mitmele ravhvale müstiline lind.
In mythology, the raven is associated with dark and magical powers. In southern Estonia, if you find a certain kind of raven’s egg, rub at exactly the right time and then make a wish – it will come true! Juhan Jaik was born in Rõuge, Võrumaa. His short story collection „ The Raven’s Stone” was published in 1980. He died in 1948 – this is his monument.
History is like the raven's stone - it will give you a glimpse of the future by studying the past.
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