Kooli algus oli tulemas, veel oli aega süveneda suvesse. Ja nii tegime raamatukogu klubi liikmetega 18.augusti õhtul väikese koosviibimise, pühitsedes samal ajal Eesti Vabariigi Taasiseseisvumispäeva.
Ettenähtud äikese torm jäi tulemata, roosa taevas säras hämarikus, küünla valgusel jagasime muljeid Eesti reisidest ja suvekodu tegevusest. Ja ka raamatutest, mida olime suvel lugenud.
Näiteks Justin Petrone "Minu Eesti 2. osa", subtiitriga eesti keeles lihtsalt: "Mida sa tahad?" Jutuhooajal hiilisid naabri aiast ebaviisakad külalised:
Jama 1. ja Jama 2. (puudub).
Kaks venda (või õde;-) kes öösiti viibivad meie rõdul ja hommikuti tervitavad ilusasti!
"Mida teie tahate?" "Kiluvõileba!"
Kuna elame kesklinnas suure pargi ligidal, on raske kutsumata külalistest kergesti lahti saada, pigem peab nendega elama.
Unwanted guests are always a nuisance. If they interrupt a party, that's not too bad, but if they damage your house - that's another story!
Was this the work of our fearless, frisky raccoons? Not at all - the tiny holes were the homes of our bumblebees (kimalased). The gashes were made by our newest resident, Mr. Woodpecker! In Estonian, musträhn. He left after his doorframe was replaced, but not without a fight. (We assumed the hammering was our neighbour building his porch!)
No Estonian evening is complete without a good game or two, especially during coffee and cake. Eesti Mälumäng is a very popular trivia boardgame, very difficult even for Estonians - some, more than others:-)
For example:
What is the northernmost city in Estonia?
Milline on Eesti põhjapoolseim linn? Seitse naist panid pead kokku ja arutasid omavahel. Kas pole mitte Tallinn? Või Kunda? Paldiski?
Vastus/Answer: Loksa. On see linn? Ikka. Nii oli kaardile märgitud, nii peab olema.
33.11 on ikka mul peas koolist saadik. Mis see on? 33 linna ja 11 maakonda, loomulikult! Loksa, Lahemaa rahvuspargis, polnud siis linn!
Oddly enough, the one question we were expecting was missing, but then again, we didn't play through the entire deck. That's 600 questions too long!
Mida võiks teada Eesti kohta? Eestimaa suurus on: 45,226 km2. (But 45,227 km2 has also been stated by different sources!)
Aren't sure about Estonian statistics? Just keep playing this game! Is there a Latvian version? Their politicians sure could use one! When asked about the size of their country, only one came close. Story and link here. (What is it about the number of teeth - it appears in every trivia game:-)
And the size of Latvia is..... 64 589 km2. 65,000 km2 was the closest answer - give or take a few hundred square kilometres:-)
So come out to our next RKlubi meeting, make new friends and learn about Estonia and the Baltics!
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