"Vahe-Eesti lõunapoolne osa - Soomaa - on võrdlemisi hõredalt ja suhtleliselt hilja asustatud. Siin on veel säilinud palju Eesti ürgsest taimkattest. Kõnelemata suurtest rabadest, mis aastatuhandete jooksul on küll omandanud teisi piirjooni, kuid vaevalt muutunud oma iseloomus, on ka metsad kohati tõelised ürgmetsad." Nii krijutas Teodor Lippmaa, 1935.aastal.
1957.a loodi puiniidu kaitseala Halliste jõe ääres; 1981.a moodustati Eestis 30 sookaitseala, millest neli kuuluvad praeguse Soomaa rahvuspargi piiridesse. Taasiseseisvuseajal loodi uusi ja taastati ellu vanu.looduskaitse organisatsioone. Hans Trass pani käiku ala endise nime "Soomaa". Praegune 371. ruutlilomeetrine kaitseala määrati seaduse kaudu rahvuspargiks 1993.a.
Soomaa (Land of Bogs) is a national park consisting of “a vast complex of raised bogs, wet alluvial forests with fens, transition mires and unregulated rivers with flood-plain and wooded meadows.” Aivar Ruukel.
Soomaa is also a leading destination for wildlife and nature enthusiasts - it has become an ecotourism hotspot: a CORINE biotope area, endorsed by Pan Parks of Europe and currently under review by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
The Travel Word has some great stories:
Wilderness Experience in Estonia
Do you love roughing it in the great outdoors and seek adventure? Would you like to improve your Estonian, make new friends and learn about wildlife and park preservation? Here's a unique opportunity presented by the Toronto Estonian Supplementary Schools:
Become a water guide with Soomaa National Park this summer!
Become a water guide with Soomaa National Park this summer!
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Photo: Aivar Ruukel |
v Lead canoe tours through the pristine river network and navigate the wetlands
v Learn about the diversity of wildlife in Kuresoo Bog and gain an understanding of this unique ecosystem.
v Participate in the floodplain meadow and bog preservation: help clear and mark trails; preserve native species of grasses using traditional methods of cutting (by hand) and assist park leaders.
v Accommodation, meals and training provided.
v Suitable for ages 17+
v Vaccinations for Lyme Disease are recommended
v 2 - 3 week volunteer opportunities start July 7!
Would you like more information? Please contact Aivar Ruukel: aivar@soomaa.com. We can also arrange a group Skype conference call, please email speakesto@gmail.com
Thank you!